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Taking in the sights and sounds of the Dutton Fun Day Parade is a great way to wrap up a Saturday morning (and kids and adults alike enjoy the constant stream of candy thrown from parade contestants). Parking is always available off of Main Street from parade viewers and many pull up lawn chairs or pickup tailgates to sit on.  Parade goers can expect to see an assortment of sights ranging from adorable children, pets, and floats in the Pet & Doll Parade to larger floats, live entertainment, old cars, fire engines, antique tractors, Mud Run contestants, beautiful horses, the local post of the American Legion Color Guard…the list goes on and on.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the parade. If you or any of your family is interested in being in either the Pet & Doll Parade or the Main Parade, please line up by the elevators on the west end of Main Street prior to 10:30. Parade organizers will be there to assist and direct parade contestants. Judging will take place beginning at 10:30 as well. Prizes will be awarded in each parade division. Both parades will being at 11:00 a.m.

Dutton will again be honored this year to have local dignitaries serving as the Main Parade’s Grand Marshals. They will lead the parade in style, chauffeured in convertibles! If you have questions regarding the parade, please contact Michelle Bayala 207-1050 mab551383@yahoo.com.




          We also have class reunions. This year is the All School Year Runion.


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